Working with us


Our staff are vatted thoroughly to ensure that we have the best candidates for the job. We have thorough recruitment procedures that ensures that in the end we have the most quality staff. We have the kindest team of cares who make working at Anna House a stress-free experience.

Our pay is competitive, our working environment is conducive, and we have competent, understanding and supportive leadership that will work with you until you become confident in your role.

Working at Anna House, you will be supported through trainings, inductions, reviews and appraisals so that you can work confidently. We also have a good communication system that leaves no gaps in information to ensure continuity, smooth working and prevent errors.

Although we drive pride in the quality of our staff, not all of them come with experience, but, once you join us, we ensure that you are developed to our standards, and so, YES you can join us without prior skills but you must be willing to undertake our courses and inductions.

Benefits of working with us

Working at Anna House you will enjoy the following, and even much more

  • You will meet a supportive leadership that will work with you until you gain confidence, and the support continues.
  • You will be exposed to diversity as we are a diverse team
  • You will work in a small homely environment
  • We support and celebrate staff achievements
  • We support learning and development,
  • We have low employee turnover. You built relationships at work and keep them for long
  • We have high staff ration. We don’t not believe in overworking staff to burnout, and we believe that staff who have enough time to perform their duties deliver a quality work.
  • We have a very healthy relationship with relatives and friends of our residents
  • There is consistency in tasks familiarity as our residents do not leave and our staff turnover is extremely low. Once we admit our residents they stay, and when we employ our staff, they last.
  • You experience so many activities in the community where our residents participate
  • You get to plan your day with your assigned resident for that day.
  • You get the opportunity to accompany residents on holidays

We believe in fulfilment from helping others but also from rewards which is why our pay is competitive, and we have staff rewards at the end of the year

Learning and development

We believe in equipping our staff to be the best that they can possibly be. Because of our quality staff, we derive joy in having zero cases or enquiries in the last 16 years of servicing the community.

We have tailored in-house and online courses and refresher courses that equip our staff with the skills that we need to get the job done to the highest standards. Our staff can access learning all year round.

We have a record of developing our staff to senior positions thus we look our for potentials as well.

Growing together

Although we are open to welcoming volunteers, there will be conditions attached in terms of the role applied for and how long a volunteer intends to stay. We deal with residents with learning disability thus consistency is vital to establishing behaviour. This means that we do not have the liberty of changing faces frequently.

Anna House is here to stay and to grow as our services are making a tremendous contribution to the community, families and individuals who are living with some of the most challenging health condition. We just opened a new branch in 2022 and this definitely won’t be the last one.  We are determining to grow because we offer services that very essential to families and the community as a whole.

Our residents review our services every month. They are supported by their cares and social workers to rate our services, say what they like/don’t like or improvements they would like to see.